Frequently Asked Questions

It’s important to know that you do not have to have crooked teeth to benefit from braces. Even patients with a little bit of crowding can benefit from orthodontic treatment. When the teeth are properly aligned, patients can better clean between the teeth, preventing decay and gum disease.
Most people think you need to wait for all of the baby teeth to fall out before you can start orthodontic treatment. But actually, The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a check-up with an orthodontic specialist no later than age 6. Of course you can be seen at any age, but by getting a consultation at a young age, we can spot problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth and may be able to prevent more serious problems from developing later. There are certain cases where the desired results will not be possible to achieve once the face and jaws have finished growing. If we determine that early interceptive treatment is needed, we will start what’s called Phase 1. Most people don’t need phase 1 and in those cases we can just monitor growth and tooth eruption periodically and let you know the right time to get started with treatment.
YES! This is a unique Smiles MIA service we provide all our patients for FREE and not many Orthodontist are willing to do this. But we always go the extra mile to ensure you look your best even during your treatment. In fact, we’ve had at least 11 patients have their braces removed in the middle of treatment for weddings or other important dates to look picture perfect for the important day. You just let us know when the date is, schedule an appointment, we remove your braces, you go to the event looking fabulous for those photos and videos. After your event you then schedule another appointment to get your braces put back on to continue treatment. It is as simple as that! Again, this is a unique Smiles MIA service and provided to you 100% for FREE.
Nothing! The initial examination/consultation is FREE for everyone kids to adults. Simply contact us and schedule your free consultation at any of our 10 office locations.
During the initial examination/consultation we will explain everything to you in detail and answer any questions or concerns you may have.  We will spend as much time with you as possible to ensure you are educated and informed about everything. But there are four essential topics we will cover during the initial examination/consultation which are as follows.
  1. 1.  Find out if there is an orthodontic problem, and if so, what is it?
  2. 2.  If there is a problem, what is the best solution to correct the problem.
  3. 3.  We will determine how long the treatment will take to complete.
  4. 4.  And finally how much will the treatment cost.
Braces do not cause cavities but poor dental habits do. Therefore we do recommend all our patients observe proper brushing and flossing habits when you have braces to prevent cavities.
We recommend that you thoroughly brush your teeth after every meal but at least 2x a day. Daily flossing is also essential. Don’t worry because we will teach you how to do everything and will explain everything in detail.
Absolutely! You must observe some precautions which we will explain to you in detail. One recommended thing you should do is to wear a mouth guard. With or without braces, using a mouth guard is always a good idea as it protects your teeth from getting broken while playing your favorite sport.
The placement of braces or attachments for Invisalign does not hurt! However, your teeth and gums will probably start to feel sore within a few hours after placement of the braces or aligners, due to pressure. This soreness can last for a couple of days up to a week. Soft foods and OTC pain medications like Ibuprofen or Tylenol can help relieve soreness.
The length of orthodontic treatment, whether it’s braces or Invisalign, depends on several factors including patient cooperation, age, growth, and complexity of the case. Typically, treatment time can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Just remember, any estimated treatment time that your orthodontist gives you for treatment is just an estimate. Our goal is for you to be in treatment until everything is just perfect!
Yes, however, there will certainly be an adjustment period which would last for a couple of days. This period would involve training your mouth, lips, and tongue to play at a slightly different position. We’ve had plenty of patients who are active musicians and have never had an issue. Again, it is just a small adjustment on your part but you will be fine.
Yes. A tooth with a crown will move just like a tooth with a simple filling. When teeth are missing, orthodontic treatment will aid in the alignment of the remaining teeth.
No. As long as your teeth are healthy. We here at Smiles MIA, value all healthy teeth and never will remove/extract any healthy teeth from our patients. Straight, healthy teeth and a balanced facial profile are the goal of orthodontics and our treatments. Additionally, new technology has provided advanced orthodontic procedures, so removing teeth is generally not necessary for orthodontic treatment. However, removing teeth is sometimes required to achieve the best orthodontic result but should only be done if all else fails.
Everyone who goes through Orthodontic treatment, will need retainers! Teeth shift throughout your entire life. Yes, even people who have never had orthodontic treatment may notice changes in their teeth over their lifetime. Now imagine how much your teeth will move after your treatment if there’s nothing to hold them in their new places! That’s right, they’ll go right back to where they started-so retainer wear is a must! Your teeth will eventually be more stable in their new positions, so you won’t have to wear your retainers every night forever, but you will need to wear them every once in a while for as long as you want your teeth to remain straight.
No, they will not. The space available for the front teeth does not increase as you grow. In most people, after the permanent molars erupt, the space available for the front teeth decreases with age.
It’s important to know that you do not have to have crooked teeth to benefit from braces. Even patients with a little bit of crowding can benefit from orthodontic treatment. When the teeth are properly aligned, patients can better clean between the teeth, preventing decay and gum disease.
Most people think you need to wait for all of the baby teeth to fall out before you can start orthodontic treatment. But actually, The American Association of Orthodontists recommends a check-up with an orthodontic specialist no later than age 6. Of course you can be seen at any age, but by getting a consultation at a young age, we can spot problems with jaw growth and emerging teeth and may be able to prevent more serious problems from developing later. There are certain cases where the desired results will not be possible to achieve once the face and jaws have finished growing. If we determine that early interceptive treatment is needed, we will start what’s called Phase 1. Most people don’t need phase 1 and in those cases we can just monitor growth and tooth eruption periodically and let you know the right time to get started with treatment.
YES! This is a unique Smiles MIA service we provide all our patients for FREE and not many Orthodontist are willing to do this. But we always go the extra mile to ensure you look your best even during your treatment. In fact, we’ve had at least 11 patients have their braces removed in the middle of treatment for weddings or other important dates to look picture perfect for the important day. You just let us know when the date is, schedule an appointment, we remove your braces, you go to the event looking fabulous for those photos and videos. After your event you then schedule another appointment to get your braces put back on to continue treatment. It is as simple as that! Again, this is a unique Smiles MIA service and provided to you 100% for FREE.
Nothing! The initial examination/consultation is FREE for everyone kids to adults. Simply contact us and schedule your free consultation at any of our 10 office locations.
During the initial examination/consultation we will explain everything to you in detail and answer any questions or concerns you may have.  We will spend as much time with you as possible to ensure you are educated and informed about everything. But there are four essential topics we will cover during the initial examination/consultation which are as follows.
  1. 1.  Find out if there is an orthodontic problem, and if so, what is it?
  2. 2.  If there is a problem, what is the best solution to correct the problem.
  3. 3.  We will determine how long the treatment will take to complete.
  4. 4.  And finally how much will the treatment cost.
Braces do not cause cavities but poor dental habits do. Therefore we do recommend all our patients observe proper brushing and flossing habits when you have braces to prevent cavities.
We recommend that you thoroughly brush your teeth after every meal but at least 2x a day. Daily flossing is also essential. Don’t worry because we will teach you how to do everything and will explain everything in detail.
Absolutely! You must observe some precautions which we will explain to you in detail. One recommended thing you should do is to wear a mouth guard. With or without braces, using a mouth guard is always a good idea as it protects your teeth from getting broken while playing your favorite sport.
The placement of braces or attachments for Invisalign does not hurt! However, your teeth and gums will probably start to feel sore within a few hours after placement of the braces or aligners, due to pressure. This soreness can last for a couple of days up to a week. Soft foods and OTC pain medications like Ibuprofen or Tylenol can help relieve soreness.
The length of orthodontic treatment, whether it’s braces or Invisalign, depends on several factors including patient cooperation, age, growth, and complexity of the case. Typically, treatment time can take anywhere from 6 months to 2 years. Just remember, any estimated treatment time that your orthodontist gives you for treatment is just an estimate. Our goal is for you to be in treatment until everything is just perfect!
Yes, however, there will certainly be an adjustment period which would last for a couple of days. This period would involve training your mouth, lips, and tongue to play at a slightly different position. We’ve had plenty of patients who are active musicians and have never had an issue. Again, it is just a small adjustment on your part but you will be fine.
Yes. A tooth with a crown will move just like a tooth with a simple filling. When teeth are missing, orthodontic treatment will aid in the alignment of the remaining teeth.
No. As long as your teeth are healthy. We here at Smiles MIA, value all healthy teeth and never will remove/extract any healthy teeth from our patients. Straight, healthy teeth and a balanced facial profile are the goal of orthodontics and our treatments. Additionally, new technology has provided advanced orthodontic procedures, so removing teeth is generally not necessary for orthodontic treatment. However, removing teeth is sometimes required to achieve the best orthodontic result but should only be done if all else fails.
Everyone who goes through Orthodontic treatment, will need retainers! Teeth shift throughout your entire life. Yes, even people who have never had orthodontic treatment may notice changes in their teeth over their lifetime. Now imagine how much your teeth will move after your treatment if there’s nothing to hold them in their new places! That’s right, they’ll go right back to where they started-so retainer wear is a must! Your teeth will eventually be more stable in their new positions, so you won’t have to wear your retainers every night forever, but you will need to wear them every once in a while for as long as you want your teeth to remain straight.
No, they will not. The space available for the front teeth does not increase as you grow. In most people, after the permanent molars erupt, the space available for the front teeth decreases with age.